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An update from Avi (Amita) Kuttner

Since those taking control of the modern Western empire insist on using their interpretation of the Bible as a playbook, perhaps it's time to empower ourselves to join in the storytelling. The Christian Right and Christian Nationalists are pushing for apocalypse both by directly acting out expectations based on Biblical interpretation, as well as destroying the world to get beyond it. One of their goals is to bring about the second coming of Christ, an odd and twisted path to a better world, an inverted way of hoping that paradise will eventually come to Earth - but only after destruction.

If they are so insistent on using twisted Christian narratives, which, whether we like it or not, underpin the philosophies of our now global civilization, using them as an excuse for hatred, division, and destruction, then we had better respond. So let us play! Play and joy are acts of resistance in a system that thrives on seriousness and despair. Let's play with their story if they will play with our lives. In weaving our version, we can empower ourselves to write our own future rather than being forced to weather theirs.

To achieve this, as a playful, joyful protest in this time of increasing power stratification and inequality, as well as transformation and yearning for something better, I will act out the part of their long-awaited Second Coming of Christ in my own way. By this, I mean I will always act as if I am the second coming, and in everything I do, this is why it is a protest and not simply an intermittent performance. I am NOT claiming to be the second coming; I am playing a character, and this will be a perpetual performance that is political. I plan to begin this ongoing performance on Christmas Day and remain in character so long as doing so is meaningful, given the state of the world. I plan to give regular updates as the character and do live streams once a month addressing global issues.

I invite everyone to join in this act, treat me, or rather my character once I step into him, as the new Christ, interact with him so that he may fully play the role of challenging the rising hatred and help create a collective path toward a version of Heaven on Earth. I have taken on a new name, Avi, and given this name to my character; since I will be living within him, I wanted it to be natural to respond to it. Similarly, he will take on my life, though he will spin and describe my life experiences differently.

The answer to tyranny and stratifying hierarchical power does not lie in an individual saviour but in the collective and the power and agency that comes with remembering what we can do for one another and getting together to make the change happen. Therefore, I aim to highlight the work of community and discuss systemic change, using the expected role of the saviour to remind and return power to the many. Since so many are looking for an individual to solve their problems, directly confronting the idea in the classic saviour character might help get people out of that mindset.

I began work on the basic idea for this character and performance over the summer, having presented my character's arrival and the start of his work in October. I had intended to keep working with the character going forward. Still, I hadn't decided to take it on as a perpetual protest in my daily life until the results of the US presidential election rolled in. I knew I wanted to get out there and push back, but the character I had built was better suited than me, and he already fit within the story being told.

The stories we tell ourselves, the narratives we live by, define our society more than we often admit. Though Christian stories might rub some people the wrong way, given how Christianity was used in colonialism and other forms of oppression - and still is, this is a significant component of why I wanted to work with it. I felt like it was time to make it my own, our own really, to empower us and turn back around what has become a story of oppression into a liberatory practice, hopefully, more faithful to Christ's original message than the actions taken by those in his name over the centuries.

The act begins with Christ's return, his delivery of judgement, and the beginning of his plans for creating Heaven on Earth, which you can watch here. After stepping into character I will be available thereafter as him for anyone who thinks it would be neat to do something interactive with Christ at this time. You can contact him at for interviews, collaboration, sending ideas, or the like. I will post weekly updates for paid subscribers on my Patreon and monthly ones for free members. I will also interact directly there and gather requests for what people would like my character to discuss in his streams. My personal social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram will turn into character accounts, behind-the-scenes will be at The Antidote, and general messaging from the project and character will be at The Coming Season. If you want to communicate anything with me or talk before I step into character and respond as Christ, please do so before Christmas! Over the next few days, I will update my online presence and profiles to match the character.

The more people that join the act and treat my character as the second coming, the more we can bring essential discussions forward through him around building a flourishing world and loving harder against hatred. I offer myself to this protest performance, but how it goes will be sourced from everyone who joins in; the story will be told collectively. My commitment is to do my best to show up and love as strongly as Christ, care as profoundly as him, and boldly challenge those in power in the name of justice as he did. I am just one person hoping the future can be bright, but together, we can weave our story into being.

Media Releases

La version française suit

December 20, 2024

A Trans-Formative Performance: The Second Coming of Christ Imagined for Our Times

ISLE OF BUTE, Scotland - United Kingdom – In an innovative artistic initiative, Avi (formerly Amita Kuttner) has announced a perpetual performance art project, stepping into the role of the Second Coming of Christ starting on Christmas Day. This project aims to challenge the narratives used by the Christian Right and Christian Nationalists while promoting joy, community, and systemic change.

Avi's performance emerges in response to the rise of hate and tyranny and the use of Christianity for division and destruction in our world. Taking on the character of a trans, queer, and mixed-race Christ, Avi seeks to reclaim and recontextualize the message of love and forgiveness, offering a wholesome response to hate, and hope for humanity.

"This performance is not about claiming to be a saviour," Avi explains. "It's about embodying the spirit of love and empowerment that transcends traditional power dynamics. Collective action and community are the keys to addressing our current problems."

A series of videos introducing the character are posted on As part of this ongoing performance, Avi will provide regular updates, live streams, and opportunities for community interaction. Live streams will address pressing global issues and discuss creating equitable systems for all.

"I want to remind everyone of their power and ability to create change," Avi says. "It's time to take back the narratives that have been twisted for oppression and craft stories that liberate." The performance is not merely an act but a commitment to ongoing engagement and transformation for anyone interested in joining.

Subscribers on Patreon are invited to interact, share ideas, and suggest topics for discussion. Join Avi in this unique act of collective storytelling and envision a path toward Heaven on Earth.

To learn more about the project and get involved, follow Avi on social media @Avi.Loves.You @The.Coming.Season and connect with behind-the-scenes developments at @The.Antidote.Art. For interviews, collaboration ideas, or inquiries, contact

Notes for the editor - About the artist:

Avi (they/he), formerly Amita Kuttner, is a Scotland-based performance artist who has performed in numerous theatre, music, and dance productions, from opera and choral performance to shadow puppetry. They earned their PhD in astronomy and astrophysics from the University of California Santa Cruz. He co-founded Moonlight Institute, a non-profit that creates frameworks for an equitable and just future. They ran for Canadian parliament in 2019 and served as interim leader of the Green Party of Canada from 2021-2022, becoming the youngest and first trans, non-binary, and East Asian person to lead a major political party in Canada.

Avi (Amita Kuttner)


Le 20 décembre 2024

Une performance trans-formative : La seconde venue du Christ imaginée pour notre époque

Île de Bute, Écosse - Royaume-Uni - Dans le cadre d'une initiative artistique innovante, Avi (anciennement Amita Kuttner) a annoncé un projet de performance artistique perpétuelle, jouant le rôle de la seconde venue du Christ à partir du jour de Noël. Ce projet vise à remettre en question les narratifs utilisés par la droite chrétienne et les nationalistes chrétiens tout en promouvant la joie, la communauté et le changement systémique.

La performance d'Avi est une réponse à la montée de la haine et de la tyrannie, ainsi qu'à l'utilisation du christianisme à des fins de division et de destruction dans notre monde. En incarnant un Christ trans, queer et multiethnique, Avi cherche à récupérer et à recontextualiser le message d'amour et de pardon, en offrant une réponse saine à la haine et un espoir pour l'humanité.

« Cette performance ne consiste pas à prétendre être un sauveur », explique Avi. « Il s'agit d'incarner l'esprit d'amour et d'autonomisation qui transcende les dynamiques de pouvoir traditionnelles. L'action collective et la communauté sont les clés de la résolution de nos problèmes actuels ».

Une série de vidéos présentant le personnage est publiée sur Dans le cadre de cette performance continue, Avi fournira des mises à jour régulières, des streams en direct et des opportunités d'interaction avec la communauté. Les streams en direct traiteront de questions mondiales urgentes et discuteront de la création de systèmes équitables pour tous.

« Je veux rappeler à chacun son pouvoir et sa capacité à créer le changement », explique Avi. « Il est temps de reprendre les contes qui ont été déformés à des fins d'oppression et de créer des histoires qui libèrent ». La performance n'est pas seulement un acte, mais un engagement à poursuivre l'engagement et la transformation pour toute personne intéressée à s'y joindre.

Les abonnés de Patreon sont invités à interagir, à partager des idées et à suggérer des sujets de discussion. Rejoignez Avi dans cet acte unique de narration collective et envisagez un chemin vers le Paradis sur Terre.

Pour en savoir plus sur le projet et y participer, suivez Avi sur les réseaux sociaux @Avi.Loves.You @The.Coming.Season et suivez les développements en arrière-scène sur @The.Antidote.Art. Pour des entrevues, des idées de collaboration ou des demandes de renseignements, veuillez contacter

Notes pour l'éditeur - À propos de l'artiste :

Avi (il/iel), anciennement Amita Kuttner, est un artiste basé en Écosse qui a joué dans de nombreuses productions théâtrales, musicales et de danse, allant de l'opéra à la performance chorale en passant par les marionnettes d'ombre. Il a obtenu un doctorat en astronomie et en astrophysique à l'université de Californie à Santa Cruz. Il a cofondé le Moonlight Institute, un organisme à but non lucratif qui crée des cadres pour un avenir équitable et juste. Il s'est présenté aux élections parlementaires canadiennes en 2019 et a été chef intérimaire du Parti vert du Canada de 2021 à 2022, devenant ainsi la plus jeune et la première personne trans, non binaire et originaire d'Asie de l'Est à diriger un grand parti politique au Canada.

Avi (Amita Kuttner)